For nearly a century there was a landmark in New Haven MO where many people stopped to fuel their vehicles and grab something to eat. That familiar sight on the south side of Highway 100 was Myers Standard Oil Station and Cafe.
LuAnn Luecke has written decade-by-decade stories about the Meyer Family Farm and other Meyer enterprises established in this small Franklin County community. She begins by depicting her father and uncle working on the George Meyer, Sr. Farm in the 1920s and 30s, the depression years when everyone had to pitch in to provide a living.
Most of the book centers around “The Station.” In 1933 Albert Meyer took the bold step of building an outpost of Standard Oil. Luecke describes all the happenings that occurred during the station’s 90 years of operation. The fascinating, folksy narrative transports the reader to a much earlier time in Franklin County when indoor plumbing was still new and communication happened mostly by word of mouth. The countless stories range from tragic to humorous.
This quick read will primarily appeal to those who grew up in similar small towns with a hub where folks met regularly to hear and to make the local news. But the stories have an appeal that makes for enjoyable general reading. The photo record of the Standard Oil station and the family pictures will recall many memories for natives of New Haven.
About the Author: LuAnn Luecke is a paraprofessional in the local school district and a small business owner. “The Life and Times of Meyer’s Grove” is her first book.
Luecke will make a presentation on her book at the Washington Public Library on Thurs., February 9th, at 6:30 p.m., an event sponsored by the Friends of the Washington Public Library. Books are available at Neighborhood Reads Bookstore and will be available for sale and signing at the library presentation. All are invited.
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